Project 'Displacement: from the shadow of Tomislawice Mine' has been published in piK 04 magazine and currently it has been presented at The Arles Photo Festival. The latest issue 04 can be purchase online
'From the Shadow of Tomislawice Mine'
Open cast mining for lignite has a big impact on the
landscape. Three years ago the Tomisławice open cast mine opened on the border of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie
and Wielkopolskie counties in Poland. The development of the mine was accompanied by protests from
environmentalists fearful about the impact of the mine on local ponds and lakes,
particularly Lake Gopla, which is just eight kilometres away. Court cases aimed
at overturning the mine's environmental permits are ongoing and the European
Comission is still investigating the possibility that European Union law was
infringed, while scientists are still in dispute about the long term impact of
the mine on the region's Natura 2000 nature protection areas.
In the meantime a
hole several kilometres wide has been dug in the borough of Wierzbinek and an
equally impressive pit heap has appeared beside it. Residents whose farms made
way for the mine took compensation and moved away while their neighbours stayed
behind. Some houses are only tens of metres from the mine. This report looks at
how the mine has changed their lives.
Text by Leszek Pazderski
Translated by Greg Goodale